If you see dimming lights when you plug in new appliances, you’re dealing with a minor electrical surge. While they aren’t as dramatic as surges from something like a lightning strike, they can still damage your appliances. Plugging in your holiday lights could knock out something like your TV, or just damage it so that you need to replace it sooner. Surge protection can help prevent this. You can protect your whole home instead of just one power strip when you opt for surge protection.
Prevent Overloaded Circuits and Wear
Holiday decorations put an additional load on your circuits. Have you ever seen lights dim when you plug in some new lights? Well, you just saw the type of minor surge that’s so common during the holidays. These small surges may not cause obvious damage, but they do wear out your appliances faster.
While the surge protector power strips can help, they only help with what’s plugged into the strip. Prevent overloaded circuits in your entire house by opting for surge protection that covers your whole electrical system.
Reduce the Risk of Fire
A fire during the holidays is the type of nightmare that doesn’t belong during such a joyous time. Sadly, overloaded circuits and electrical surges can make this nightmare come true. All it takes is a bit too much power through a wire for a fire to start. Whole-home surge protection helps by keeping the power in your house regulated. Don’t risk a fire this holiday season.
Keep Your Appliances Around Longer
You appliances are an expensive investment in your home. Having to replace these more frequently can put a stain on your budget for the holidays. If you want your appliances to last longer, you need surge protection. A power strip just isn’t enough to keep major appliances safe. They also don’t work for anything wired directly into your house.
That’s where having whole-home surge protection can help. It prevents surges from wearing out your appliances faster. As a bonus, it protects against your everyday minor surges as well as the larger surges that can come with bad weather.
Want to Keep Surges Down This Holiday Season? Trust the Pros
We’re here to help keep your home safe this holiday season. Opting for surge protection will keep your house safe from everyday surges and the occasional storms we get here in the area. You’ll enjoy this peace of mind all year, not just during the holiday season.
As a bonus, opting for whole-home surge protection can make your house cheaper to insure and could help you sell for a higher amount. Don’t wait any longer; See what whole-home surge protection can do for you by calling Sun State Power LLC in Ocala, FL today.